About Cystoplus®

No pills. No creams.
Just a glass of relief!
- Cystoplus® is a non-prescription option specifically indicated to relieve the burning pain & stinging symptoms associated with cystitis, a form of urinary tract infection in women.
- Cystoplus® works by raising urine pH which helps in reducing the pain associated with cystitis.
- Cystoplus® contains Sodium Citrate, which has been demonstrated to provide significant cystitis symptom relief. †
- † Open study involving 205 women presenting with symptoms of cystitis and no clear evidence of bacterial infection. Symptoms were assessed at study entry and on the third day (severity of symptoms evaluated on a four-point scale: absent, mild, moderate, severe).
Drink to your wellness
Convenient 2-day dosage
Dissolve the contents of 1 sachet in a glass of water and drink it 3 times a day.